Wednesday, November 5, 2008

If I Did It, This was How

Well I'm back to the blogging thing. It will be fun to start out brand new on this, because I have a few loyal readers who have followed me from blog to blog since last winter, but I will still need to build my fan base back up. A lot of you have been following my running blogs I have done, and while this one will be touching on running, I will still be doing my milesplit one this winter, while I will be more focusing on every day topics here. My own personal experiences. I guess you could call it the adventures of an ass hole.

As some of you know I volunteered for the Obama camp for a while here in Maine. Well last night, being election night I had a bit of fun. A group of four or five of us got together at a friends house, expecting to stay up until dawn waiting for the final results of the election. Well, interestingly enough we only had to stay up until 11 o'clock, to hear the race being called in Obama's favor on The Daily Show. It ended up being a pretty early night. Lets go back a little while before the final results though, so I can tell you one of many epic personal experiences that randomly happen every day.

When one of my friends decided he would be spending the night, at the other's house, he had to go back to his own to pack for the night. He wanted someone to tag along, so I decided to join him. Speeding down through Poland on Rt. 26, I got the ridiculous urge to steal some campaign signs. This seems like a really minor offense, but you can be fined up to 50 dollars for everyone you steal, and I am not a big fan of paying what would of come out to be about 600 dollar fine if we had been caught, if we even did it. While I will not go into significant detail of this story, for reasoning of me not wanting to totally admit to crimes. I may or may not of stolen these signs. Somewhere between 10 and 12, if I actually stole them.

I will tell you the two thefts, if thats what you want to call them, and if I actually did it and not just trying to entertain you, that stick out in my mind the most. The first of which was a doozie. If I did this, it was a bigger campaign sign, maybe 5 feet in length stuck into the ground by two wooden posts. We pulled in past the sign by about 400 feet down the road. We shut off all the lights on the vehicle, so we could not be seen, keep in mind that this is a major route. Not being able to see anything we ran up to the location of the sign, at the edge of someone's yard. The lights at the house were still on, so we had to be stealthy. On top of that we knew that there were some Androscoggin deputies out that night. It took some force to pull the fictional sign out of the ground, but we got it, and were running down the road holding either side of it trying to get back to the jeep. My friend managed to step in a big puttle, soaking his entire foot. When cars started to drive by us we put the sign back on the ground on an upright position, and ducked behind it. Eventually though we made it back to the vehicle with out a major problem. It was our best catch of the night.

The next one was a little more dangerous. It was a McCain/Palin sign, about 100 feet from someone's driveway. All the lights of the house were off, and there was no car in the driveway. It seemed like a no brainer. My friend left the car on, while I ran out after the sign. As I was bent over pulling the sign out, he started yelling to me, but I could not hear what about. I saw some lights flashing behind me, and as I looked up I realized that a car was pulling into the driveway. Uh oh. I realized that they were pulling back out too. I grabbed the sign and raced to the jeep diving into the passenger seat. We were off before I had the door shut. Looking behind us we saw the vehicle pulled over to the spot we were just at and the silhouette of a man wandering around looking for his McCain sign. Ahh the pleasure. Just remember though, this may or may not have happened. I am either telling you this as a work of fiction for your entertainment, or because I want you to here about one of my true life stories. You be the judge.

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